
Restore Backup

Restore will clean all comments first and then process with complete import from a given file.

For safety and security reasons, restore functionality not exposed outside your server by default. The recommended way to restore from the backup is to use provided scripts/ It can run inside the container (ADMIN_PASSWD must to be enabled on server for it to work):

docker exec -it remark42 restore -f {backup-filename.gz} -s {your site ID}

Import/restore without removing existing comments

The restore command nukes the existing comments on the site. You should make two backup files to preserve them, one for the current remark42 content and another for WP/Discuss/Commento content you want to import. The format of backups is plain JSON with EOL (JSON line) and can be easily constructed from multiple sources. Merge them and restore them from the resulting file:

cat wp-export.json | grep -v '{"version":1' >> combined-export.json
docker exec -it remark42 restore -f combined-export.json -s {your site ID}