
Automatic and Manual Backup


Remark42 by default makes daily backup files under ${BACKUP_PATH} (default ./var/backup). Backups kept up to ${MAX_BACKUP_FILES} (default 10). Each backup file contains exported and gzipped content, i.e., all comments. At any point, the user can restore such backup and revert all comments to the desired state.

Note: The restore procedure cleans the current data store and replaces all comments from the backup file.


You can make a backup manually whenever you want. Run the command (ADMIN_PASSWD must be enabled on the server for it to work):
docker exec -it remark42 backup -s {your site ID}

This command creates userbackup-{site ID}-{timestamp}.gz file by default.

Backup format

The backup file is a text file with all exported comments separated by EOL. Each backup record is a valid JSON with all key/value unmarshaled from the Comment struct (see here).